Dr Adrian Hunt

Ophthalmologist & Eye Surgeon in Miranda

Dr Adrian Hunt is a very experienced ophthalmologist who manages both medical and surgical eye conditions. He is an expert in diagnosing and managing cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Eye Surgeon &
Medical Retina Sub-Specialist

Dr Adrian Hunt treats serious eye diseases.

Dr Hunt has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the retina. He operates weekly on patients with cataract, pterygium, eyelid conditions and can combine cataract surgery with minimally invasive stents to get patients off glaucoma drops.

We welcome patients with a range of general ophthalmology problems. If you are noticing changes to your vision, please get in touch.

Your local eye surgeon.

Our practice utilises the latest diagnostic equipment and evidence-based treatments. All patients will see Dr Hunt after visual assessment by our Orthoptist and Ophthalmic Assistants. Our small team ensures you receive a personal and friendly experience when you visit us.


Macular Degeneration

The macula is the centre of the retina and affords your sharpest vision. As adults get older, many experience damage to their retinas which can lead to an increasing loss of central vision in that region of their macula, hence the term macular degeneration.



A cataract is a clouding of your eye's natural lens, which lies behind the iris and pupil. Mostly consisting of water and protein, this lens adjusts your eye's focus, allowing you to see things both up close and at a distance.


Diabetic retinopathy

If you have diabetes and have struggled with blood sugar control for years, the small blood vessels in your eyes' retinas may begin to swell, bleed or develop abnormal brush-like branches. In the early stages, they may produce no visual symptoms at all.



Worldwide, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. Its most common form is often called the “silent thief of sight.” That's because damage to your optic nerve occurs so gradually over such a long period of time that you generally only notice it once the disease has become quite advanced.